Industrial cleaning robot ITR M2 Pro iScrubbot

The industrial floor cleaning robot ITR M2 Pro from ITRobotGroup It has a very high cleaning efficiency of up to 1800m2 per hour. ….

The ITR M2Pro iScrubbot is a mid-sized product in the floor cleaning industrial robot series.

The ITR M2Pro can be equipped with a rear laser and workstation, and thus realize unlimited endurance!


The ITR M2Pro iScrubbot is a mid-sized product in a series of industrial floor scrubbing robots ITRobotGroup . Strong cleaning ability, integrating different business functions for daily cleaning and maintenance, like washing the ground, absorption of waste water, sterilization, ash reduction and disinfection. Start with one click! Intelligent driverless driving! The unit operating area can reach 7200 square meters. It is equipped with multiple sensor devices such as a front laser, deep vision, ultrasonic radar and collision sensor as standard, 360-degree full-angle pedestrian protection, automatic obstacle avoidance, stair detection function, anti-fall, anti-collision and easy to handle people or obstacles in complex environment. If equipped with rear laser and workstation, unlimited endurance can be realized!

Detailed information about all the autonomous cleaning robots we offer, you may find, by visiting the section neither on the site.

Dimensions (д×ш×в) 1.00×0.84×1.20m
Maximum efficiency 1800 m²/h
Cleaning width 0.84 m
Maximum durability 4 h
Loading time 4-5 h
Battery (lithium) 24 V/120Ah
Tank size Clean water tank-72l, waste water tank-45 l
Weight 110 kg
Sensors Front laser, deep vision, ultrasonic radar and collision sensor as standard, 360-degree full-angle pedestrian protection, automatic obstacle avoidance, stair detection function, anti-fall, anti collision.
Charging mode By hand(standard)/ Automatically (option)
Maximum speed 0.6 m/s
Noise ≤72 dB

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