Cleaning robots

Industrial cleaning robots, fully autonomous. Robots clean large areas, have the possibility of self-cleaning, and some models are also suitable for outdoor use. Different models cover different square footage depending on the purpose.

Industrial cleaning robot ITR M2 Pro iScrubbot

The industrial floor cleaning robot ITR M2 Pro from ITRobotGroup It has a very high cleaning efficiency of up to 1800m2 per hour. ….

The ITR M2Pro iScrubbot is a mid-sized product in the floor cleaning industrial robot series.

The ITR M2Pro can be equipped with a rear laser and workstation, and thus realize unlimited endurance!

ITR C3 iCollector industrial cleaning robot

The ITR C3 iCollector is a product of the industrial cleaning robot series of ITRobotGroup.

The ITR C3 has an intelligent internal positioning and navigation system, automatic obstacle avoidance protection.

Powerful vacuum cleaner, an autonomous industrial robot with high efficiency – up to 1500 sq.m/h.....

ITR W1 iSweeper autonomous industrial cleaning robots

The ITR W1 is industrial and fully autonomous, robotic cleaning machine to use, as outdoors, as well as indoors.

ITR W1 It has a very high cleaning efficiency - up to 5600 sq.m/h…

ITR W2 Industrial cleaning robot

Industrial robotic sweeper, also suitable for external use.

The ITR W2 is a medium-scale industrial sweeping robot from the iSweeper series of ITRobotGroup.

ITR W2 is designed for cleaning large indoor and outdoor commercial areas.

ITR C2 Scrubber industrial cleaning robot

Autonomous cleaning robot with high productivity up to 2000 sq.m/h….

ITR C2 Scrubber industrial cleaning robot from ITRobotGroup, integrates floor washing and vacuuming.

ITR C2 allows 24/7 independent charging.

ITR “300” Autonomous, industrial cleaning robot

Autonomous, washing robot for hard floors with a range of up to 4300 sq.m/h

 ITR 300 is large-scale, autonomous, industrial cleaning robot of ITRobotGroup.

To the ITR 300 there is an option to add a rear cleaning station for water supply and drainage.

Industrial cleaning robot ITR MOP

Industrial cleaning robot with productivity up to 2000 sq.m/h……

ITRmop is small, but a powerful product from the cleaning robot series of ITRobotGroup.