Curve Robot бояджийски робот

Интелигентни роботизирани системи за боядисване. Посредством 3D лазерно сканиране в колаборация с изкуствен интелект и прецизноста на индустриалните роботи, системите постигат перфектни крайни резултати. Системите имат различни приложения, като най-разпространено е автомобилното боядисване.

Системите разработени от Curve Robot издигат роботизираното производство на едно по-високо ниво, трансформирайки го в интелигентно производство.

Robotic car painting camera.

The intelligent robotic painting cameras of Curve Robot are of extremely high performance and precision.

A set of high-tech equipment plus artificial intelligence.

Smart robotic cameras for painting cars and individual parts. By 3D laser scanning, with the help of artificial intelligence and the precision of industrial collaborative robots Han`s Robot, perfect end results are achieved. In addition to scanning the car in real time before painting (syringe), the system also has the ability to enter dimensional data for specific car models. The dimensions stored in the memory help subsequent painting of the same car model (or parts of it) without the need for scanning.

Detailed information about all the products we offer, you may find, by visiting the home page neither on the site.